Developed Japanese Black Pines are decandled during this time (see time table below). Depending on each tree’s spring growth, decandling may be done all in one day or spread out over several weeks to balance uneven growth. Remove fertilizer from strong pines after they have been decandled. Note: Decandle strong and well fed trees only.
It has been a cold year. The black pines seem to be growing slower. After decandling, fertilizer should be left on the tree though summer. For trees that are still grow strongly, do not fertilize for 4–6 weeks.
Strong candles, leave longer stubs. Medium size candles, leave a little stub. Small candles, leave no stub.
When to Decandle Time Table.
Northern U.S |
The end of May to the 1st week of June. |
San Francisco Bay Area |
Around 1st or 2nd week of June. |
Los Angeles Area |
Around 2nd week to 3rd week of June. |
Mid-West |
Around 3rd week to the end of June. |
Southern U.S. |
Around the 1st week to 2nd week of July. |
Deep South |
Around the 2nd week to the end of July. |